Shamanism is an ancient tradition practiced by cultures worldwide for millennia… coming from an Animistic background the Shaman is the Healer: physically, Emotional, Spiritually… also the weaver of realities, the pathfinder, the seer of the future events. Walking a bridge between the seen and unseen.
The Pre-Linguistic Mind: 200,000 Years Ago, Animistic Fire Gazing Meditation and Altered States of Consciousness
Fire Gazing Meditation has it’s roots in Ancient Animistic Traditions, before written records were established……
The Visionary Experience: Pt3… The Narrative Phase, Insights from the Inner Sight
This Visionary Narrative Phase is symbolic, mythological, allegorical, metaphorical… leading to psychological and spiritual transformation.
Visionary Experience: Pt2… The Geometric Phase
The Geometric Phase of a Visionary Experience sees the emergence of simple, abstract forms that…
Visionary Experience Pt 1: Qualities, Characteristics & Methods
The Visionary Experience, profound perceptual shifts, heightened awareness, a journey into the depths of the…
Shamanic Journeying: Going Where for What Reason…? Journeying & Non-Ordinary Realities.
Shamanic journeying involves entering an Altered State of Consciousness to access Non-Ordinary Realities…
Drumming and Rhythmic Entrainment: The Gateway to Trance and Healing
Throughout history Drumming and rhythmic entrainment have been used for trance induction into altered states…
The Tree, the Shaman and the Mushroom an Alternative Christmas Story…
A happy man, wearing red and white robes, carrying a sack of ‘presents’, riding in…
Shamanic Trances and Hypnosis: Exploring the Similarities and Outcomes…
Despite distinctly different cultural origins, Shamanic Trances and Hypnosis share some intriguing similarities and common…
Siberian Shamans Ancient History of Amanita Muscaria and ‘Coining’ of the name ‘Shaman’
In the Altai Mountains of Siberia, artifacts such as stone carvings and paintings have been…
Mongolian Shamans: Exploring the Mystical Path of the Böö
In the vast and rugged landscapes of Mongolia, where an ancient tradition of spiritual practice…
Q’ero Mysticism, Ayni, Connection to Pachamama and “Giving Comes Before Receiving”
In the heart of the Peruvian Andes, nestled within some of the worlds most remote…
Divination and it’s Role in Expanding Consciousness, Creating Space for Insight and Intuition to Shine
Insights gained through divination, channeling and intuitive practices hold the potential to directly affect and…
Repetitive Dancing and Chanting: A Journey into Altered States of Consciousness
Throughout history, the transformative potential of repetitive dancing and chanting are used as gateways to…
“Ska María Pastora” The Mazatec Shaman and the ‘Sage of the Diviners’
The Mazatec people have a long history of using “Ska María Pastora” in their traditional…
Shamanic States and Telepathic Adventures in Scotland with Dr Bandler
A small and unique seminar… Shamanic States and Brain Exploration in Edinburgh with Dr Richard…
Exploring the Enchanting Trance States of North American Shamans
North American Shamans use various types of trances to enabling them to connect with the…
From DNA to Consciousness: Jeremy Narby and the Cosmic Serpent a Quest for Ancient Wisdom
Jeremy Narby is a remarkable figure who has pushed the boundaries of traditional scientific paradigms,…
Cave Paintings and the Plants that Altered Ancient Consciousness…
Cave painting emerged roughly 40,000 years ago… What if they were influenced by the profound…
Ava, The Sacred Draft of Samoan Shamanism – Gateway to Altered States and Connection to Aitu
Ava, opening pathways to the spirit world, enhancing spiritual experiences and enabling Shamans to enter…
Beyond the Veil… Animism and Altered States of Consciousness.
Animism. Every part of our NATURAL world, the animals, plants, rivers, mountains, weather systems… are…
Soothsayers: Insights into the Ancient Art of Divination, Insight and Intuition
Soothsayers, with their ancient art of divination, offer a glimpse into the invisible threads that…
African Dagara Shamanism: Connecting with Ancestral Spirits and the Forces of Nature
Dagara Shamanism is a vibrant and deeply rooted spiritual tradition originating from Burkina Faso and…
Exploring the Akashic Records, Morphic Resonance, and Altered States of Consciousness
Morphic Resonance and the interconnectedness between individual consciousness and the universal tapestry of existence
The Art and Science of Shamanic Drumming: A Gateway to Altered States of Consciousness
Shamanic Drumming acts as a catalyst, guiding their consciousness beyond the boundaries of ordinary reality
Exploring Non-Ordinary Reality a Shamanic State for Transformative Experiences
Exploring the mysteries of Non-Ordinary Reality, it’s significance, and the transformative experiences it offers
Journeying, the Enigmatic Trance States of South American Shamanism
South American Shamanism: Ayahuasca journeys, icaros, dance rituals, and soul retrieval… gateways for shamans to…
The ‘Trance Dance’ of the San People of Southern Africa
Trance Dance, the San People of Southern Africa create space for physical, mental and spiritual…
Dreamtime Healing: Exploring Aboriginal Wisdom for Well Being
Aboriginal Dreamtime extends beyond the realm of creation stories and spiritual beliefs
Other post you might enjoy… The 7 Hermetic Principles
Hermetic Principles #5: Life’s a Rhythm, Finding Harmony in the Pulse & the Principle of Rhythm
The Principle of Rhythm. “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides” life, like…
Hermetic Principles #7: The Dance of Masculine Energy and Feminine Energy… Gender.
The Principle of Gender transcends the physical… the masculine energy and feminine energy that…
Hermetic Principles #3: An Ocean of Motion… Everything Vibrates
From the tiniest subatomic particle to the vast expanse of the Universe, everything vibrates at…
Hermetic Principles #6: Sow Wisely, Reap Abundantly… Cause and Effect
The principle of ‘Cause and Effect’ states that every event (effect) is triggered by a…
Hermetic Principles #4: Mastering the Dance of Opposites, the Principle of Polarity
The Principle of Polarity. Hot and cold, light and dark, happy and sad… these pairs…
Hermetic Principles #1: How Thoughts Shape Your World. The Universe is Mental
The very fabric of reality is intricately linked to our thoughts… the first Hermetic Principle…
Hermetic Principles #2: Correspondence, As Above So Below
The Principle of Correspondence, ‘As Above, So Below’… we’ve all heard this phrase… but…