Shamanic journeying involves entering an Altered State of Consciousness to access Non-Ordinary Realities.
These Non-Ordinary Realities exist beyond the physical world we perceive with our ‘normal’ senses… and can be referred to as the Spirit World, the Dreamscape… or even the Unconscious Mind, depending upon your Reality Tunnel.
The primary goals of a Shamanic Journey depends on the individual…
Shamans may journey to seek guidance for themselves, their communities or a person that comes to them. This maybe on matters of health, well-being or decision-making… or the future course of events, the location of lost objects or missing people.
Shamans also journey to retrieve Lost Soul Parts* or release energetic blockages… that are contributing to illness or emotional distress.
*Certain experiences (particularly traumatic ones) can cause a part of a person’s soul to detach… and become lost in the spirit world. Soul Retrieval is a process where balance is restored.
Connecting with Spirits and Ancestors
The spirit world is populated by spirits of nature, ancestors and other spirits. Shamans may journey to connect with these beings… to learn from their wisdom, or ask for their guidance and assistance.
Shamanic Journeying is built upon several core principles that guide the practice…
#1 Non-Ordinary Reality: These realms co-exist with our physical world, but are not directly accessible through our ordinary senses… they are reached through Altered States of Consciousness.
#2 Shaman as a Bridge: The Shaman acts as a bridge between the ordinary reality and the non-ordinary realities of the spirit world. Shamans develop the ability to enter these altered-states and interact with the beings and energies that reside there to bring back knowledge to the everyday world.
#3 Altered State of Consciousness: To access the non-ordinary reality Shamans use many techniques to induce an altered state of consciousness, such as repetitive drumming, chanting, rhythmic breathing, plants and guided visualizations.
The Shamanic Journeying Process
Before the journey, the Shaman will take time to prepare… This can include fasting and clearly defining the purpose of the journey (seeking healing, receiving guidance).
Creating a Sacred Space: The shaman will create a physical or mental space designated for the journey. This space will be cleansed with incense, smudging, prayer, etc.
Entering the Non-Ordinary Reality: Once prepared, the Shaman will utilize various techniques to enter the non-ordinary reality.
These techniques may involve: drumming, rattling, dancing, chanting, specific breathing techniques, plant medicines and more… to induce the altered state of consciousness necessary for entering into non-ordinary realities.
The Journey may involve (visualizing) journeying down a tunnel, tree roots or other passageways that leads into the underworld. Or climbing a sacred tree, ladder or mountain, symbolizing the ascention to higher realms.
Once in the Non-Ordinary Reality: the Shaman can interact with the landscapes that hold symbolic meaning, spirits of nature, ancestors, or power animals. The Shaman communicates with these beings through visions, emotions and feelings… receiving messages, advice or energetic healing during this stage.
The Shaman may witness symbolic events or dramas that unfold within the non-ordinary reality. These events can provide insights…

After completing their tasks in the chosen world the Shaman will then Return to Ordinary Reality.
Re-entering slowly and consciously, upon returning the Shaman records their experiences through journaling, drawing or talking to another trusted practitioner.
The integration phase involves reflecting on the journey’s insights and applying them to daily life.
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