The Benefits of More NOME’s in Your Life… Non-Ordinary Mental Expressions come from ASC’s

Altered States of Consciousness (ASCs) and Non-Ordinary Mental Expressions (NOMEs) are extraordinary states of mind that have been explored in various cultural, religious and spiritual traditions for Millennia.

Interested in NOME’s and intention… and the influencers (keep reading).

ASCs lead into changes in perception, thought, emotion and behavior… and NOMEs are transformative mental experiences.

ASCs are characterized by differences to the ‘Normal Waking State’:

  • Changes in Perception: Altered perceptions of time, space, reality or the self.
  • Changes in Thought: Racing thoughts, or feeling disconnected from reality.
  • Changes in Emotion: Experiencing intense emotions, such as euphoria or bliss.

The induction of ASCs can be through various (1000’s of) means, such as:

  • Meditation: Deep meditative practices can lead to altered states of consciousness, characterized by increased focus, relaxation and a sense of inner peace.
  • Fasting: Prolonged periods of fasting can induce altered states, often associated with spiritual experiences or visions.
  • Entheogens: Certain plants, mushrooms or chemicals (like alcohol) produce profound alterations in consciousness.
  • Sensory Deprivation: Limiting sensory input, such as through isolation tanks or blindfolds, can induce altered states.

Non-Ordinary Mental Expressions (NOMEs)

Extraordinary mental experiences NOMEs take many forms, including:

  • Visions: Seeing images or scenes that are not physically present.
  • Hallucinations: Perceiving things that are not real, such as hearing voices or seeing objects that are not there.
  • Mystical Experiences: Feelings of union with the divine or a sense of cosmic consciousness.
  • Out-of-Body Experiences: Feeling as though one’s consciousness has separated from the physical body.

Intention & Expectation of Non-Ordinary Mental Expressions

The intentions and expectations play a significant role in shaping the nature of your experience. By setting positive intentions and with a sense of curiosity the likelihood of having a positive and transformative experience of NOME increases.

Religious beliefs provide a framework (and thus help shape the intention) for understanding and interpreting NOMEs e.g: an individual who believes in reincarnation may interpret a vision of a past life as a confirmation of their spiritual beliefs.

Many Native American cultures understand NOMEs, such as visions or dreams, as communications with spirit entities or receiving guidance from their ancestors.

Samadhi, a state of deep meditation or enlightenment… Yogis and mystics aim to achieve Samadhi through many practices: including fasting, mantra repetition, and physical postures.

Non-Ordinary Mental Expressions NOME Angels

Understood as glimpses of the true nature of reality, or as signs of spiritual progress in Buddhist traditions…

Christian traditions interpret these ‘visions’ or ‘mystical experiences’ as divine revelations or encounters with saints or angels.

Over the Millennia, many cultures and spiritual traditions have explored NOMEs. Signs of divine favor… spiritual enlightenment… contact with higher intelligence.

NOME’s are the result of Altering ones State of Consciousness…

…sometimes they happen spontaneously!

Influencers who’ve had NOME’s

Carl Jung: a Psychologist and Psychiatrist, often described his experiences (NOME’s) with altered states of consciousness… in fact he believed that these non-ordinary-mental-expressions were essential for understanding what’s happening at the depths of the human psyche.

Aldous Huxley: experimented with inducing altered states of consciousness, writing extensively about his experiences (NOME’s) and more importantly, the potential these states have to lead to profound insights and spiritual transformation.

Ram Dass (Richard Alpert): explored various spiritual practices and had numerous experiences with altered states of consciousness, which he described in his writings and teachings.

NOMEs can lead to profound changes, letting go of old patterns and embracing new ways of being. Having a therapeutic effect and improving your overall well-being.

NOME’s & the Benefits of ASC’s

The amount of people seeking out ASCs (be they plant medicines, breathwork, meditation, hypnosis etc…) with the ultimate hope of experiencing the extraordinary… Non-Ordinary Mental Expressions… leading to some kind of Personal Transformation, is HUGE today.

It’s Bigger than ever!

Are you ready to explore more NOMEs and ASCs?

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