Hand-crafted instruments of tonal vibration originating from the Himalayan region and used in Buddhist rituals, Singing Bowls are made from a variety of metals… including the ‘Seven Sacred Metals’.
Sound is primarily produced in two ways, either by striking the bowl or rubbing the rim with a wooden or covered beater.
Ancient Wisdom and Sonic Alchemy
Singing bowls produce a fundamental tone… along with a series of overtones or harmonics. When these overtones interact, they create a complex auditory experiences.
When two or more sound waves align (and are in phase), their amplitudes add up… resulting in a louder sound. This is called: Constructive Interference.
The opposite is called: Destructive Interference. This is when sound waves align out-of-phase, their amplitudes cancel each other out… creating softer or even absent sound frequencies.
This continuous movement of constructive and destructive interference causes the overtones to create a fluctuating or pulsating effect.
Neurological Effects…
The primary target of sound waves is the auditory system. The eardrum is finely tuned system and vibrates in response to incoming sounds.
These sound wave vibrations are converted into electrical signals… then sent to the audio cortex in the brain. These physical waves convert into electro chemical signals, are interpreted by the brain and a responses occurs.
When exposed to rhythmic, harmonic sounds like those produced by singing bowls, the brain synchronize its own rhythms with the external sound, this is a phenomena known as Brainwave Entrainment or BWE.
This synchronization induces different states…
The networks of billions and billions of neurons in the brain create rhythmic (electrical) pulses aka Brainwaves.
These fluctuating patterns correspond with different states of consciousness from: a ‘focused’ Beta wave; to the ‘flow’ of Alpha waves; to the deeper-states of Theta waves (meditation)… all the way to Delta waves and sleep.
The sustained, harmonic tones produced by the singing bowls act as a guide for the brain into synchronicity… this is Brainwave Entrainment.
Physiological Effects…
Beyond the Ears, the impact of the sound waves are also felt by the body as a tactile kinesthetic sensation… these vibrations influence the nervous system, muscles and other tissues.
As these sound pressure waves hit the body they are transmitted as signals to the Kinesthetic cortex of the brain… and sensation is experienced, (the Audio and Kinesthetic cortexes in the brain overlap… this causes synesthesia – sound causing feelings).
These Vibrations or ‘vibes’, at specific frequencies induce relaxation by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system… counteracting the stress response and allowing the person to drift away . . .
Into the Spiritual with Singing Bowls
There is a deeper spiritual dimension.
Many ancient wisdom traditions view sound as a ‘sacred force’, capable of healing and transforming people.
Tibetan Buddhists, understand sound as a language through which the universe communicates with us. The singing bowl, is a channel for this energy… connecting with something bigger than ourselves.
The human energy field and aura are central to many spiritual traditions. Seen as a luminous field surrounding the body… maybe composed of subtle layers of energies.
This energy field is interconnected with the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of a person.
The vibrations produced by singing bowls resonate with the body’s energy centers, known as Chakras, helping to balance these energy fields.
The different pitches of the singing bowls target specific Chakras. Low-frequencies bowls are used to ground and stabilize the root chakra… while higher-pitched bowls stimulate the crown Chakra, associated with spiritual connection.
Singing Bowls: Where and How

The quality of the bowl, the skill of the practitioner, and the surrounding ambiance (Set and Setting) all directly have a part to play…
As does the Intention you have before relaxing into the Signing Bowl Meditation or experience.
For what reason: pure relaxation, healing, creativity… the choice is yours. The extent to which you ‘create intention’ also determines the the extent of the outcome.
You decide and go Deep…
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