Meditation with Mandalas… Melting Geometric Shapes, Patterns and Flux

meditation with mandalas

Eyes-open meditation with mandalas is a popular mindfulness practice that stretches back thousands of years…

Mandalas are intricate geometric designs that can serve as a point of concentration during meditation.

Holding deep spiritual significance in Hinduism and Buddhism… the term ‘Mandala’ itself means circle in Sanskrit, symbolizing the Universe’s wholeness and unity.

Mesmerizing patterns radiate outwards from a central point… harmonious and balanced composition.

Deep in Meditation Colors, Shapes and Patterns Come Alive…

With each breath, the mandala’s colors and shapes take on movement, lines radiating, rippling, intricate patterns unfolding like a blossoming flower… the mandala melts, boundaries blur and space-time slows down.

What was once solid becomes fluid and interconnected… the divisions between self and other, inner and outer, completely dissolve.


Here’s How You Can Practice Eyes-Open Meditation With Mandalas

Before the meditations starts, choose a Mandala that resonates with you… this is a form of Intention Setting.

Set (and Setting): Choose a quiet and comfortable place to meditate. Adjusting the lighting so that it’s gentle and relaxing on your eyes when looking at the mandala… the flickering of candle light goes along way… as does a draft, wind or air current that gently moves a material Mandala.

Yoga Nidra is the ancient healing practice of deep meditation that has been revered for centuries for its powerful effects on the mind, body, and spirit... >> Find Out More <<

Sitting comfortably is more important that sitting in the ‘right’ meditation posture. Make yourself comfortable using a cushion, chair or sitting on the floor, keeping your back straight as you relax.

Gaze at the center of the mandala. Allow your eyes to relax and settle on the design.

Pay attention to your breath as you gaze at the mandala. Observe the rise and fall of your breath without trying to control it. Use your breath as an anchor to the present moment.

As your gaze becomes soft and unfocused your peripheral vision takes in the entire mandala, helping you maintain a relaxed and open awareness.

meditation with mandalas

If your mind wanders gently bring your attention back to the mandala… and to your breath without self-judgment.

Acknowledge thoughts or distractions and let them pass… gazing at the intricate patterns of the mandala shifts in perception of time, space and self happen… (See the Ganzfeld Effect)

Closure: Reflect on your experience and how you feel afterwards.

Eyes-open meditation with mandalas can be a beautiful way to cultivate mindfulness, enhance concentration and reduce stress.

It is an excellent practice for those who find it challenging to meditate with closed eyes… and like so many practices, consistency is key, and the benefits become more pronounced over time.

Explore Meditations more…

Another Ancient Yogic Practice for accessing Higher States of Consciousness is Yoga Nidra, the waking sleep.

Experience the Waking Sleep Collection. Including five guided meditations with a focus on: Healing, Authenticity, Bliss, Intuition, Insight, Self-Realization, Sleeping and Enhanced Cognitive Functioning, covering a large part of the human experience and potential.

4 thoughts on “Meditation with Mandalas… Melting Geometric Shapes, Patterns and Flux”

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