Ancient Fasting in Ancient Egypt and Altered States of Consciousness (ASCs).

Fasting in Ancient Egypt

In Ancient Egypt the belief was that the gods communicated through dreams, visions and deliberately induced Altered States of Consciousness, these were achieved through various techniques… here we examine fasting.

Fasting was a powerful tool for purification within Ancient Egyptian Culture. By abstaining from food and drink initiates (individuals) cleansed their bodies and souls of impurities… bringing them into more connection with the Divine.

The Ancient Egyptians believed in the interconnectedness of humans and gods… understanding that the Divine to be an integral part of their world.

Gaining insight into their lives… making informed decisions and navigating the challenges they faced.

Purification was associated with the idea of removing obstacles that was preventing individuals from achieving Spiritual Enlightenment. By purifying themselves, they established a stronger connection with the gods and became more receptive to Divine influence and presence.

Fasting was also a means of Transcendence, by depriving themselves of food and drink they could enter into Altered States of Consciousness… experiencing visions, dreams and other supernatural phenomena.

The Role of Fasting in Ancient Egyptian Religion

Fasting was deeply intertwined with Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs and practices. It was seen as a way to connect with the gods and to purify oneself for religious ceremonies.

Many Egyptian Deities were associated with specific fasting practices… for example, the god Osiris, who was believed to have fasted during his journey into the underworld… was often associated with fasting rituals.

Ancient Fasting & the Afterlife

The afterlife was an important aspect of life in Ancient Egyptian.

Fasting played a role in preparing for the journey into the underworld… and the subsequent judgment.

The ‘Weighing of the Heart‘ ceremony, a central part of the Egyptian Afterlife Beliefs, involved weighing the deceased’s heart against the feather of Ma’at, the goddess of truth and justice.

It was believed that fasting could help to purify the heart and increase it’s chances of passing the judgment.

Egyptian Oracles & Communicating with Gods

During fasting, Oracles would often experience physical and psychological changes… with heightened awareness, clarity and spiritual connection. These experiences were essential for receiving divine messages and fulfilling their role as an Oracle.

Oracles were often associated with specific temples or deities… their role was to channel divine messages and provide guidance to their community. Fasting allowed them to enter ‘Trance’ and receive messages from the gods.

Consulting such Oracles was common place in Ancient Egypt, it was part of everyday life. They were consulted for a variety of purposes… on political decisions, military strategies, and personal matters.

Psychological Impacts of Fasting

Fasting and Altered States of Consciousness

When individuals abstain from food for prolonged periods of time, they often begin to experience a sense of detachment from their physical bodies and a greater focus on their spiritual selves.

This detachment can create a sense of emptiness or void, which can then be filled by spiritual experiences or visions.

Feelings of Union with the Divine or a sense of Cosmic Consciousness are often reported. Prophetic Visions or messages, guidance in their lives… are experienced through fasting.

As with all dietary things, you should Do Your Own Research and fasting is often best done with trained professionals, Shamans, etc… someone to guide you.

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