Visionary Experience: Pt2… The Geometric Phase

The Geometric Phase

Visionary Experiences are often characterized by, vivid imagery… including a Geometric Phase. These experiences can range from simple hallucinations to complex immersive journeys.

The specific content (story) of a visionary experiences can vary widely… But there are certain common perceptual phenomena (and stages) that seem to underlie many of these experiences.

In the sequence of Perceptual Phenomena during Visionary Experiences… geometric effects often precede the Narrative Content.

They often continue, either as a backdrop or as an integral part of the narrative itself. Most times, the initial phase of a Visionary Experience is dominated by abstract geometric forms… These then slowly give way to more concrete, symbolic imagery forming the Narrative Stage.

Part 1: The Geometric Phase

The Geometric Phase is as if the mind is tuning itself into a ‘higher frequency’, opening itself up to extraordinary perceptions.

The Geometric Phase of a Visionary Experience is often the first stage. It is characterized by the emergence of simple, abstract forms that gradually evolve into more complex and intricate patterns… Sometimes overwhelming the senses.

Form Constants: Common Geometric Motifs

Form Constants are geometric patterns recurringly observed during Visionary Experiences. Heinrich Klüver, a German-American biological psychologist and philosopher… coined the term ‘Form Constant‘.

His experiments with mescaline were groundbreaking at the time (1920s). He described four form constant geometric visual hallucinations experienced in the early stage of a mescaline trip.

Geometric Phase - Geometric Motifs

Tunnels and funnels: These are often seen as long, narrow passages or vortex-like structures.

Spirals: These can be either clockwise or counterclockwise and may appear to move or expand.

Lattices: These include honeycombs, checkerboards, grids, and other repetitive patterns of intersecting lines.

Cobwebs: These are intricate, web-like patterns with many intersecting lines and curves.

These Geometric Patterns range from simple lines and circles… to complex mandala like designs and fractals, appearing behind closed eyelids in the Visionary Experience.

They seem to be the Universal Language of the Unconscious Mind.

Sacred Geometry

Geometric Shapes used in sacred architecture, art and religious symbolism have deep spiritual significance. Representing the underlying structure of the universe.

The Platonic Solids have five regular convex polyhedra that have been studied by many polymaths for millennia. They are represent the fundamental building blocks of the universe…

The Flower of Life is a geometric pattern, composed of overlapping circles, a sacred symbol that represents the interconnectedness of all things… a connection to consciousness.

Read and see more examples: Art and Altered States of Consciousness… Mandalas Throughout History


At this point we should mention Phosphenes… from the Greek words phōs (light) and phainein (to show). 

Phosphenes are Visual Phenomena that occur when the cells of the retina are stimulated without an actual light source entering the eye. Caused by: rubbing your eyes, migraines and plant medicines… Oftentimes associated with Visionary Experiences.

Phosphenes are different to the light generated within the Pineal Gland (due to the piezoelectric properties of the crystals present inside the pineal gland). In that case the Piezoelectric effect (mechanical pressure on the crystals) generates light… not seen by the eyes, but perceived by the mind. Read more in: The light from within.

The appearance of Geometric Patterns during Visionary Experiences can have Profound Psychological and Spiritual Implications

Giving them meaning…

  • Tunnels and Funnels: These can represent pathways to other dimensions, portals or states of consciousness.
  • Spirals and Vortices: These swirling forms can symbolize growth, transformation, and the cyclical nature of existence.
  • Lattices: These regular patterns can create a sense of order and structure.
  • Cobwebs: These can symbolize neglect, they can also symbolize complexity, intricate systems, and the delicate balance of life.

The Geometric Patterns observed during these states of altered consciousness… (like mandalas, fractals, the golden ratio etc) are incorporated into religious art, architecture, and spiritual practices in ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece, India and many more.

The KEY thing to giving meaning to a thing is that, that thing really, really has meaning for you. And YOU FEEL IT.

Geometric Phase: Transitioning to Narrative Content

As the Geometric Phase progresses, patterns take on more symbolic meaning…

A simple line may represent a journey or a path. A circle symbolizes wholeness or infinity. The transition from Geometric to Narrative Content is often seamless, with one flowing into the other.

In some cases, the Geometric Patterns may continue to serve as a backdrop for the Narrative Content, providing a framework for the unfolding story.

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