In southeastern Turkey lies Karahan Tepe, a site that has begun to challenge understandings of ancient civilization… and our timelines for civilization!
Often referred to as the “sister site” to the more famous Göbekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe was first identified in 1997, but excavation did not really begin until 2019.
The site, covering roughly 10 hectares, has revealed a complex of stone structures and monumental architecture that dates back to around 9,400 to 11,000 BCE, potentially making it older than Göbekli Tepe.
Winter Solstice Sunrise
One of the most significant discoveries at Karahan Tepe has been the alignment of its structures with the Winter Solstice sunrise. The sunlight enters through a ‘porthole’ stone, illuminating a carved human head inside what’s known as the Pillar Shrine (observed by Hugh Newman and JJ Ainsworth).
This phenomenon suggests that the site was designed to celebrate or mark this celestial event… symbolizing the rebirth of the sun and the renewal of life.
Shamanism and Altered States of Consciousness at Karahan Tepe
The site’s design, with its chambers and peculiar carvings, along with signs of substances that could have been used for inducing altered states, points to rituals possibly aimed at spiritual communication or healing.
These practices would have been particularly significant during cosmic events like Solstices… where the boundary between the physical and spiritual are believed to blur.
Shamans would have used the Solstice alignments, perhaps enhanced by the unique geomagnetic environment of the site, to enter trance states…
Geomagnetic Influence
Archaeological studies (Paolo Debertolis at Göbekli Tepe) have found unusual geomagnetic patterns. Paolo Debertolis (University of Trieste) has been at the forefront of investigating the geomagnetic anomalies at archaeological sites like Göbekli Tepe. His research involves using magnetometers and other geophysical tools to detect and map the variations in the Earth’s magnetic field around these sites.
Debertolis and his team have documented unusual patterns, including spiraling magnetic fields (not typical in natural undisturbed environments). They have discovered that magnetic anomalies, such as these spiraling magnetic fields, could influence the human brain… potentially leading to altered states of consciousness. They even effect plant growth and animal behavior.
These spirals suggest a complex magnetic environment probably engineered (possibly naturally occurring), almost defiantly significant to the ancient builders. The exact reason for these spirals of energy remain a topic of debate, but one popular theory explains that they might result from the specific mineral composition of the limestone used in construction, and from the placement of the structures themselves.

Chakra Meditation & Relaxation Hypnosis
Changes in magnetic field strength have been linked to shifts in brain activity… particularly in areas responsible for perception and mood. In the context of shamanic practices, where entering trance states is crucial, these natural or enhanced magnetic fields might have played a role in facilitating such states.
These geomagnetic anomalies could influence human brain waves… leading to the highly prized altered states of consciousness of the Shaman.
Psychotropic Animism at Karahan Tepe
Based on findings and parallels with other shamanic cultures, it’s highly likely that psychotropic plants or fungi would have been used at Karahan Tepe to induce visions or altered states. The carvings of snakes suggest this possibility… snake imagery is often associated with transformation or enlightenment.
The Winter Solstice alignment of sites like Karahan Tepe with the solstice sunrise would have been part of the use of natural light and shadow effects, alongside geomagnetic fields, magical plants and dance to induce visions or trance states.

Karahan Tepe stands as a testament to the complexity of Neolithic societies, offering a window into a world where art, religion, and science were combined and part of daily life.
As excavations proceed, each layer unearthed at Karahan Tepe is a window into the these ancient practices and civilization… spirituality, and humanity’s intrinsic connection to their Cosmology.
For the ancient people of Karahan Tepe, these alignments of the Solstice’s would not just be an astronomical event but a time when the fabric between worlds was thin, ideal for shamanic voyages or community-wide spiritual practices.
“From out of the cold and darkness, a new light and warmth are dawning. Happy winter solstice to you and yours.”