Shamanic Journeying: Power Animals, Spirit Guides and the Worlds Beyond

shamanic journey power animals

Power Animals are spirit beings that appear in the form of animals. They ’embody’ specific qualities and have strengths that resonate with the Shaman’s needs.

Spirit Guides, on the other hand, can be wise ancestors, helping spirits, or enlightened beings who offer knowledge, protection and direction.

The Worlds of the Shaman. The Shamanic Journey often takes place within two distinct, yet interconnected, realms: the Upper World and Lower World.

The Upper World: This realm is often described as a place of light, expansive landscapes and benevolent energy. It is seen as a source of wisdom, guidance and spiritual connection.

Here, the Shaman encounters Spirit Guides who can offer valuable insights, healing energy or even past-life knowledge. These Spirit Guides may take on various forms to assist the Shaman in their journey, often in the form of Ancestors.

The Lower World: In contrast, the lower world is associated with darkness, hidden aspects of the self, and the primal forces of nature. It is a place of power, where the Shaman can confront challenges, access hidden strengths, and retrieve Lost Soul Parts*.

*Certain experiences (particularly traumatic ones) can cause a part of a person’s soul to detach… and become lost in the spirit world. Soul Retrieval is a process where balance is restored.

This realm is populated by Power Animals embodying specific qualities: strength, courage, resourcefulness etc. By encountering and connecting with their Power Animal the Shaman taps into these qualities to overcomes obstacles.

Accessing the Worlds of the Shaman

In the Shamanic Journey Process the Shaman will either descend into the earth through a tunnel or cave, to reach the lower world or else by climbing a sacred tree, or following a Spirit Guide who appears to assist them.

Having entered the Non-Ordinary Reality, the Shaman can now interact with the specific world that aligns with their intention.

Navigating the Worlds of Power Animals

In the Lower World the Shaman may confront challenges or obstacles that represent their inner struggles, or those of their community or individuals.

The Power Animals are their Spirit Guides manifesting in an animal form… Inside a Shamanic Journey to the Lower World you would encounter your Power Animal… with one or more Power Animals throughout your life.

They embody certain qualities… a bear is known for its strength and protectiveness for example.

Power Animals can also reflect your shadow self… the hidden aspects of your personality. They may appear in challenging forms, forcing you to confront your fears, weaknesses and unresolved issues.

Your Power Animal is your ally in manifesting your wants and desires… calling upon their energy and aligning yourself with their qualities, you increase the likelihood of achieving what you are aligning with… i.e your goals.

Power Animals also offer spiritual protection from negative energies or other harmful influences.

Connecting with them: By building a relationship with your Power Animal through Shamanic Journeys or meditation… connecting with them, you’ll learn about it’s strengths and qualities… and develop those same qualities within yourself.

Navigating the Worlds of Spirit Guides

In the Upper World the Shaman communicates with Spirit Guides. Asking questions and receiving messages for wisdom or guidance… Maybe also experiencing past-life memories or receiving energetic healing.

Your Spirit Guide can help you understand your life’s purpose… they may offer you spiritual healing, or help you to connect with your own inner healing power.

Your Spirit Guides may provide insights into spiritual concepts, past lives, or your future possibilities… guiding you through dreams, visions or intuitive feelings, deep inside the Shamanic Journey or meditation.

These journeys provide wisdom and different perspectives, helping you make better decisions… decisions more aligned with your core values and the goals that support those values.

Opening your awareness to new dimensions of reality and spiritual concepts… new thoughts.

Your Spirit Guides may also connect you to your Ancestors, giving you a sense of belonging and access to their wisdom.

Returning and Integration of Your Shamanic Journey

shamanic journey

After completing their Shamanic Journey, the shaman (or person who was guided on the journey) will return to ordinary reality.

Re-entering slowly and consciously… the process may involve recording their experiences through journaling, drawing or talking with another practitioner.

The integration phase involves reflecting on the journey’s insights and applying them into daily life.

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