Submodalities: the Magic of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) 

NLP Submodalities

It’s strange that two people can have completely different experiences from the same event..? The answer is in the subtle nuances of our minds… known in NLP as Submodalities.

These are the ‘differences that make a difference’…. they are building blocks of our perceptions. Ultimately shaping our emotions, behaviors… our entire reality.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). At the core of NLP are some powerful concepts… one of which is ‘Submodalities’.

Simply put, Submodalities are the finer distinctions we make in the Five Modalities of Thought… or our Five Senses.

The Five Senses are external information gathering systems (light and sounds, etc.) and the Internal Re-Presentational Systems are our minds-eye, minds-ear, etc.

From the brightness of a visual memory to the pitch of a remembered sound… these are Submodalities… external inputs, presented again to us in our mind.

These are the ‘differences that make a difference’…. they are building blocks of our perceptions… shaping our emotions, behaviors… our entire reality.

Change them and you change behavioral patterns and emotional responses.

Its not rocket science. If the image(s) in your minds-eye are small they are generally less appealing or interesting than if they are BIG thoughts… i.e big images in your minds eye.

Another obvious one… If the images in your minds-eye of your future are small, fuzzy and far off in the distance your results will be different compared to images in your minds-eye that are clear, bright, focused plans for your future.

It’s not just about goals, your fears work the same. Big = scary, small is not. Motivation…

These Submodalities are the difference that make the difference.

Changing the ‘Structure of Your Thinking’ changes the ‘way’ a thought is thought. Change your thinking and you change your results. You get different results.

Submodalities and Emotions

Changing the Submodalities of a ‘negative memory’ can significantly change the emotional response someone experiences.

This literally can look like magic. When a practitioner ‘cures’ someone of a phobia, or removes fear from a situation… especially when it’s done conversationally.

Submodalities and Goal Achievement

Understanding Your Submodalities is like gaining access to the main ‘control panel’ for your mind.

By consciously manipulating these building blocks of thought, exploring our perceptions of reality… we can then create experiences that empower, inspire, and fulfill us.

What will you create?

Visualizing your success with bright, colorful and moving images works better than dull, gray and static images.

Knowing this, you can explore and play with your Submodalities to enhance your motivation and ultimately your goal achievement.

Limiting Beliefs, Limit You. They limit your experience.

Strong Beliefs Empower You. They enhance your experience.

Experience more Empowering Beliefs with Johns: Belief Changer NLP Workshop.

Belief Changer Workshop Focus:

  • Collapse your cages, identifying and dismantling the limiting beliefs that have held you back for too long
  • Building a foundation of strength, construct powerful new beliefs that will propel you forward
  • Become the architect of your destiny, discover the blueprint for rewriting your story and creating a life you love.

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